5/11/24: Social Capital - replay from 5/25/2019

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Structure of the kingdom; Altering DNA; Epigenetics; Procreation; Holy Spirit in your life; Not emotion; Flow of righteousness; "Tens"; Organizing His Church; Sharing these messages; Early Christians were nearly all Jews; Synagogues; "Elders"; Social Security?; Pure Religion; "world"; "komizo"; Tithing; Selling your children into bondage; The Problem!; Untaught things about the bible; Seeking the Kingdom and Righteousness; Christ's way; Are you seeking the kingdom of God?; Serving the people; Seven men?; Workers of iniquity; Unrighteous mammon?; "Show me"; Tyranny over minds; Vices and virtues; Selfishness; Gratitude; Revealing the kingdom; Investing yourself; Envy; Private entrepreneurs; Correlation and causation; Vaccines; Improving immune systems; Federal Reserve; Capital?; Just weights and measures; Capitalism; Aiding your neighbors; Beginning repentance; Strengthening your community; Promoting the kingdom; Active congregations; What are you thinking?; Sharing loaves and fished; The New Deal failures; Income tax; Stock market folly; Listening to Holy Spirit; Evidence; Value of good employees; Social values; Kingdom operation - learn by doing; Fudging statistics; Effects of socialism; vs effects of the kingdom of God; What would save you?; Fixing the plumbing; Early vaccines; Natural interactions; Social capital; Binding units; Living Network of congregations; Loving Christ; Kingdom for the living; Reciprocity; Social norms; Empathy; Join the network. Types of governments; Real socialism; Valueless notes; Creating value; Democracy; Golems; Defining capitalism; Defining "Love"; Identity; Fish experiment; Reviewing The New Deal; Job creation?; Cooperation; Family creation; Social norms; Fixing the plumbing; Dry bones; Morals?; Strengthening relationships; Church?; Kingdom direction; Matt 13; Kingdom parables; Image metaphors; Goodly pearl; Being changed by seeking His kingdom and righteousness; Forming congregations; Establishment clause; Taking care of the needy; Imperial cult of Rome; "Lemon test"?; Government usurping Church?; "Socialism"; Forced offerings?; Violating the Establishment cause; "Religion"; Emerson vs Board of Education; Social Security; Public religion?; Why Christians were persecuted; Asking the right question; Why is government involved with religion?; "Charity"?; Getting back to a free system; Socialism doesn't work; Matt 19:17; Entering into life; Survival?; Get back to the ways of God.