5/28/22: Pacta Servanda Sunt

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Pacta Servanda Sunt; Intent makes the agreement; Owing allegiance; Reserves; Sinning in the eyes of God; Covetous practices; Ex 23:32; Jesus in accord with Moses; Wise giving to strengthen; Mercy; Deut 7:2; "Dainties" of the king; Pure Religion; Mt 20:25 = Mk 10:42 = Lk 22:25; Not to be that way with us; What brought you into bondage?; Self-sufficiency; Are you repenting?; Thinking like Christ; Bank notes; "Stagecoach"; Cashless society; Being the bad guy!; Legalizing the Christian Church; Covetousness is NOT OK; Finding The Church; Following the Holy Spirit; Reserve Funds; Rationing; Faking repentance; New Deal Christian church; Having another king; Fascism; Democratic socialist leaders; Real money; Legal tender purchases legal title; Caring about your neighbor; Addiction to entitlements; Is your fate sealed?; Wrath of God = Consequence; Repent now.