5/4/24: Critiquing Ann Davis

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

False truths; Keeping the commandments; Gathering in tens, hundreds and thousands; Listening to Holy Spirit; The vine and husbandman; Understanding Early Church; Lost Christians; Critiquing Ann Davis; Paradigm shift; Natural immunity; Complexity of creation; Listening to Holy Spirit; Sacrificing to draw near; Natural miracles; Tree of Knowledge/Life; Following science?; Natural psychology of humanity; Ps 35:8; Welfare snare; Home church "services"; You don't need your ears tickled; Whole truth!; Loving neighbor; vs Exercising authority; Sharing these programs; Concern for others far away; Near-death experiences; Living in the moment; Urban vs rural environments; Thomas Sowell; Modeling reality; Anti-individualism; Our strategy; Opposing Christ; Depending on government; Power of Christianity; Moses' court system; Climate change; Degradation of isolation; Overpopulation?; Protesting vs vandalism; Cultivating non-caring people; Dangers of grouping individuals; Creating a foothold for righteousness; God's power; Loving your enemies; Taking care of others; War on Poverty?; Inflation; Practicing good will; Government power grabs; Defending against insanity; Hearing Holy Spirit; Linguistics of witchcraft; Rampant spirit of destruction; Christ's fire; Holy Spirit within you; Counterfeit Christianity; Biting one another; Selfishness; Legal charity; Move back to the real Way of Christ.