5/8/21: Micah 6

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Man: Same problems then and now; Failed watchmen; Adamah; Gatherings of gatherings; Heated clay becomes stone; Hebrew code; Is God your ruler?; God's opinion; Laws of creation; Reviewing earlier Micah; Sparing the "rod"; Cities lack nature; Faith or force; Do you have good watchmen?; Media control; Be not afraid; What Christ commanded and forbid; Walking with the spirit; Conjuring the Holy Spirit; Emotional Christianity; Repenting or daydreaming?; Deceiving yourself; Isolation is anti-kingdom; Reviewing Micah; Troops; The way of Christ vs the world; No exercising authority over your neighbor; Two witnesses; Ez 22:23; Shutdown consequences; Vexing the poor; Conspiracy; Bringing light to your darkness; Micah 6:1; Controversy and quarrel with God?; Bondage of Egypt continues; FDR creations; Ex 13:3; De 5:6; The house of bondage; Policies of God; Saul's foolish thing; Encouraging violence; Conspiracy; Christian conflict; Justin the martyr writing to Caesar; Winning WWII?; Living Christ's mission; Balaam and Nicolaitans: same error; Wages of unrighteousness; Cursing YOUR children; Burnt offerings; Levite's share = kidney?; Buying comfort; Changing ministers; Loving mercy; Choosing bondage; Abandoning God's ways; Example of Holy Spirit working; Understanding mission of God's ministers; "Elder"; Just weights and measures; Witchcraft; Taking away your dominion; Oil and sweet wine; Micah 6:16; Sabbath; Empowering covetousness; Christ's debt payment; Pharaoh casting out Israel; House of Ohmery; Learning from the Holy Spirit; Facts you should already know; Je 10:21; Brutish pastors; Public religion; Sinning with impunity; John 3:20; Humbly seeing truth about yourself; Rev 2:6; Sinful institutions you have created; Loaves and fishes; Lying in wait for blood?; Striving for righteousness; Getting into God's system; The skill of liberty; No entitlement, but grace; How to support the kingdom; Ministering to your minister; Circumcision; Serve one another.