6/18/22: Does God Make Sense?

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Hebrew "letters" have meaning; Mistranslating of meaning; What do YOU think God is?; Naming God; Hierarchy of values; Observing spirit; Making sense of life; Defining terms; Religious duty; Superstition; Replicating false ideas; Errant Pharisees; Avoiding darkness; Feeling good about bad ideas; "Destroy", "Smite", "Possess" in Deuteronomy; "Dominion"; Inconsistent reality; Deut 7; A holy nation; Subject citizens vs free society; Israel's strength; "smite"; "destroy"; "Right" to health care?; Freely assembling for charity; Doubling Hebrew letters; "Destroying" - by faith; Abandoning kingdom; Bondage of Egypt; Jealousy of Christians; Offices of power; Modern Christian fallacy; Why you're in bondage; Fathers of the Earth; Praying for daily bread; Public religion; Forcing strangers to pay for your benefits; Christ's religion; Lev 19:33; Mischief; Za 7:10; Identifying evil in ourselves; Mal 3:5; Adultery; Harlots and beasts; Human resources; Cities of blood; Government debt; Upside-down world; Double-tav = in spirit and truth; Believing in Jesus?; Holy = "separate"; Willingness to see truth - humility; Micah 7:8; Lk 1:79; Force is not peace; Keeping the commandments; Following righteousness; Selfishness; Deut 7:16; Welfare snares; Repentance; Doing what Christ said; "hornets"; Which side are you on?; Ex 23:28; Hornets, not swords; Evidence of faith; Beasts of the fields; Cultivating faith, hope and charity; Strengthening the poor; Go Christ's way.