6/24/23: Ecclesiasties 5-6

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Eusebius; Constantine's new church creation; Ecc 5 - sacrifice of fools; Snares, nets and bondage; Connecting the prophets; Handling the truth; Modern liberals; Desire for others to fail; How to get offerings to God; Confusion about the truth; Darkness; Paying to feel good; Taking responsibility; Forgiving trauma; Desiring vanity of vanities; Patterns of nature; Opening spiritual eyes; Testing forgiveness; Strengthening others; Narcissism; Seeking victimhood; Getting God to hear you; The song of the fool; Living in light; Seeing yourself; Ecc 5:1 - relating to your life; Loving your enemy; Who you trust to be your god?; Red sea example; First fruits; Yahweh Nissi?; Legal charity; Saul's foolish thing; Today's Constantines; Temptation to live in darkness; World creatures; Fasting from temptation; Reviewing Ecclesiastes so far; Humility; Filling YOU with holy spirit; Preparing for dawn; "Vexation"; Shepherds; History repeats itself; Hearing the cries of your brother; Voluntary charity; Laying down your life; Bible books part of whole message; Foolish virgins; Christ's commands to organize; Existence of wickedness; New deals; Strong family units; Recognizing your part - duty; State social welfare; Fervent charity; Casting your bread upon the waters; The road to liberty; Caring about neighbor; Re-empowering the people; Ecc 5:1; What comes out of your mouth?; Giving consent; Prov 1:10; Social Security; Prov 6:2; Mt 5:33; Swear not; Seeing your contract with "gods"; Ecc 5:9 "profit"; "field"; "conversation"; Income tax; Sharing wealth via business; "Hurting" the rich; Laboring for the wind - for self; God the capitalist; Natural filtering of those walking in darkness; Facing your trauma; Wicked for our benefit; Cultivating victims; Vampires on the pulpit; Mark of the beast; Ecc 6:1; "Under the sun"; Your power from God; HHC books; Ability to look at the light; Meditation; Take the next step!