6/3/23: Insurrection - replay from 1/9/21: "Remember Nineveh" + "A Kingdom Out of This World"

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

[Remember Nineveh] Kingdom - someone ruling over somebody; Deciding good and evil for you; DC riots; "Walkaway" movement; Deplatforming; Rampant censoring; Build back better; George Floyd's death; Media regime; People want to be angry = playing into hands of evil; Fighting for power; Building what Christ commanded; Range sheep vs farm flock sheep; Defaming demonstrators; What Christ said to DO; Early Church history; Most common form of self-government; Viable republics in the heart of the world; Staying connected to each other; Maintaining your right to choose; Big tech censorship; Emotional vs rational; Judge not, hate not; Why evil is winning; Forgiveness the key to freedom; Jacobites; Are you listening to Christ's spirit? Or your emotions?; Still small (nonemotional) voice; Actual story of loaves and fishes; Creating bonds that connect you; Contracts, covenants and constitutions; Honesty is a kingdom policy; Why you're vulnerable; Remember Nineveh; "Their" government; Another king, one Jesus; Perfect law of liberty; Choice in the hands of the individual; Losing the battle of righteousness; Explaining the law of God; Overcoming wrong turns with humility; Prov 2:6; Power in truth, not paper; "Peace and safety"; "What do we do?"; The greatest destroyers of liberty; 2 Chron 7:14; Are you living the character of Christ?; Rom 12:2; Benefactors of righteousness; Church history; Militia; Christs commands for organizing; Thwarting today's corruption; Limiting your communication; Where's God sending you?; Electing Caesars?; What evil wants; Stop restricting your neighbor's right to choose; 25th amendment; Getting organized; Becoming wise as serpents; Renewing your mind; A role for all of "us"; Widow's mite; A minister's job; Double standards; 1 Sam 8 relevance; Consummating your fornication; God will not hear you. [A Kingdom Out of This World] Facebook purge; Walkaway movement; Snowden's sins; Order followers; Campaign finance reform in Oregon; Accepting lies; Wolves creeping in; The gospel puzzle; Loving to give life; Capitol invasion; Hearing both sides; Election tampering?; George Floyd perspective; Trump's alleged incitement; Governmental corruption; Courting evil; Who's investigating?; Creating fear and confusion; Demonic evil; Receiving the Holy Spirit; Double standards; Equality Act of 2019; Gender dysphoria; Withholding condemnation; Legislating morality?; Catering to delusion; Rationalization; COVID vaccine; Why emptying prisons?; The asylum state; Emotion vs reason; Fearing the Holy Spirit; Early Church mission; Nero's fire; Evil can't kill real Christians; Church exclusion.