7/13/24: Politically High-Tech Interview

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Introductory discussion; Enlightening humanity; Bible and history; Controversy; Beyond the "Human System"; "God"; Things you need to hear; Brother Gregory's background; Government of, for and by the people; Moses and Christ setting us free; Bondage of Egypt; Free bread; "Emperor" = Commander-in-chief; Freewill offerings; What Levite ministers were really doing; Making America great again; Roman republic; Full-moon gatherings; Pure Religion; "world"; Herod's baptism; Making God's word to none effect; John the Baptist's way; Welfare consequences; Governments of the gentiles; Repentance; Revitalizing charity; Abolishing slavery; Firing moneychangers; "Worship"; Loving God's creation; Judging by conduct; Supporting Abraham; Altars; Kidney's for Levites?; "Burnt" offerings; Job of priests; Justin's apology; Atheists?; Government offices of power; Legalizing Christianity; Christ's claim to kingship; Pilate's "world"; Son of God; Offices of Caesar; Temple functions; Biblical slaves?; Romans 13; "gods"; Nature of men and women; Volunteerism; The Higher Liberty; Going under another's authority; Common purse; Socialism; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Iniquity; Covetousness; Doers of God's will; How the Early Church was organized; Following Holy Spirit; Strong delusion; Is your belief a conviction?; Caring for one another; Contact information; Worldly distractions; "Corban"; Sacrifice; Living Network; After show discussion; Seek His kingdom and righteousness.