7/30/22: Setting Things Straight

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Preacher robbed, Distancing from Christ; Rich Christ, poor Christ; Stable birth; Carpenter or more?; Kingdom networking; Sources of truth; Censorship; Relying on Holy Spirit; Separating spirit from emotion; Free speech; Gathering as Christ commanded; Hollywood Jesus; Green/yellow grass; Tens, hundreds and thousands; Communication network; Binding by daily ministration = charity/love; Shipwreck find; Bronze coin; "Moneta" Temple?; Minting in Alexandria; Interpreting the bible; Herod's baptism; "Ouranos"; Turning over tables; Firing moneychangers; Caesar's coin; Repeating History; Votive offerings; April taxes; "Corban" making word of God of none effect; Riot in Christ's time; Herod's socialism; "Recession"; Legal tender; Lacking knowledge; Kingdom within you; Repentance; Becoming human resources; Minister purpose; Family = corporation of God; America in bondage; Good shepherds; Brutish shepherds; Right to choose; Waiving your right; Anti-Christ ways; Kingdom by force?; Weakening people; Balaam and Nicolaitans; Federal Reserve temple; Listening to the good shepherd; Mark 6; Organizing together; Widows; Orphans; Ekklesia; Minister requirements; Lion concerns; Free assembly; Escaping the bondage of Egypt; Recognizing righteousness; Grief; Love; Evidence of love; Sabbath keepers; Community; Rule of force and violence; Saviors; Militia; Organized evil; Korah the sheep; Learning to stick together; Tithing; Bussing rioters; Familiarizing yourself with righteousness; Gathering with sinners; Loving your enemy; Following Holy Spirit; Caring for one another; Recognizing metaphors; Needing neighbors; Share; Love them all!