7/31/21: Amos 8

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Prophets saying the same thing; Dog returning to vomit, pig to mire = legal charity = state providing for needy of society; Religion defined; Saul's folly; WWI ambulance story; Transitioning your mind; What makes you safe?; The greater threat; Volunteerism; Problem at Amos' time; Exercising authority destroys free society; Lady Godiva; The sin of Sodom; You have been warned again and again; Corban of the Pharisees; Changing society back; Entitlements and guarantees; Justin's apology; Social security; Sabbath; Israel's worship of Moloch; Amos is poetry - full of symbols; Amos 8: "Basket of summer fruit"; kof-lamed-vav-beit; Hebrew "word" construction; Cancelling Amos; Fake good news (gospel); Flu report; Removing morality from society; What are you doing for the poor?; Nature of evil; Slothful in charity will be under tribute; Repent - change your thinking; Public School example; Trapping ourselves in these systems; Using money without value; Inflation (of imaginary value); Dividing society; Inflation story; Deceitful balances vs just weights and measures; Ways to think differently than the world; Corban = Social Security = Legal Charity; Making the word of God of none effect; "New moons"?; Who are your priests?; Salvation from your covetous practices; What made America great; Your feasts = welfare; Amos 9; Are you hearing and receiving the words of the Lord?; Amos 8 side notes; "grasshoppers" and "locusts" - From "husbandmen"; Swarms of offices of power; Those lacking faith digress to force; Today's failing media; Paying what you owe; Living by faith, hope and charity; Referencing Nahum; Referencing Alexis de Toqueville; Righteousness is genius; When "America ceases to be good, it will cease to be great"; Covetousness is not good; Despotism seeks division; Prov 1:12; Knowing by fruits; Seeing beyond strong delusion; Seeking the kingdom because of love; Right to choose is a gift from God; Idiotes (unregistered) Apostles; Coming together under the perfect law of liberty destroys division; Incentivized sloth; Your image of Christ; Sharing this message; Gather together; Work together; Re-assemble the body of Christ.