8/12/23: Previewing Ezra

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Prophecies; Listening to the Holy Spirit; Struggling to understand; Humility; Pride bias; Connecting disregarded dots; Strange fire; tav+biet-ayin-resh+vav; "Forced labor" = mem-sumak (4522) = 4522 tribute (corvee); sumak-biet-lamad synonym; Mari tablets; Social Security accounts?; Unpaid forced labor; Bondage of Egypt in Genesis; Taxed labor; Levites belonging to God; Why female goddesses?; Graven images; Rabbit trailing; Ezra-Nehemiah; Exemption to travelling ministers; Rome; Militia; Legionnaires; Practicality; Revealing the biblical message; Know Moses, know Christ; Ten new laws of Ezra?; Setting down your baggage; Kindling fire?; Milk and meat?; Ex 24:4; One-purse treasuries; "Corban" = sacrifice; Wages of unrighteousness; Flesh of the cauldron; Freewill offerings vs forced; Recognizing "dots"; Revelation via Holy Spirit; Stone temples?; Leaven; Reserve funds; Systems of society; Distraction by fear; New laws?; Looking to Pharisees for understanding?; (Graven) Images of Jesus; You are in the bondage of Egypt; Coveting neighbors' things; First fruits offerings; Strong delusion of Modern Christians; Col 3:5; Uniqueness of the Temple; Hiding from truth; Waiting upon the Lord; Gathering together; Hebrew "tax" words; Daniel "walking" = halak: portion of corvee; Dan 4:37; Living stone temple; Keeping His commandment; Iniquity?; Nebuchadnezzar's pride; Following Christ's commands; Correcting misconceptions; Enemies of the truth; Kingdom relationships; Falling to the flesh; Hiding from God; Sharing your light; Burning Bush Festival; Feasts of Israel; Priests to all nations; To whom do you pray for daily bread?; Destructiveness of pride; Realize where you have been wrong.