8/13/22: Make Your Choice

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

Bible about choice; Al Sharpton; Private interpretation of the bible; Inspiration; God's opinion is The Truth; Seeking to do God's will; Exousia - right to choose; No exercising authority - Mt 20:25, Mk 10:42, Lk 22:25; Exercise dominion - "katakurieuo"; No coveting; No covenants with their gods; Avoiding the wrath of God; "god"; Consequences of choice; "Gentiles"; Exercise authority - "katexousiazo"; Deciding good and evil; Tree of Life; Why study history?; Fake good news; Forgiving student loans?; Sabbath; Qui bono?; Who gets the benefit?; Who suffers?; Reproducing stupidity; Learning experiences; "Ekklesia" - source of wisdom?; Modern church - source of foolishness; Evidence of knowing the gospel; Churches of the adversary of Christ; Ekklesia - more than "assembly"; "Church" = called out; Appointing to them a kingdom; "parens patria" - making the State your father; Facilitating love in Acts; Temple areas; Administering charity; Social security; "Draco"; Codifying laws; Historical welfare; Choosing to give to neighbor; Waiting on "tables"?; No magic words - do the will of the father; Witchcraft; Delusional Christianity; Valueless notes; Ancient welfare states; Have you heard Christ's solution?; War on farmers/ranchers; Water flow rights; Giving rulers their power; Identifying historical changes; Finding pastors of truth; Haran's death; Finding liberty; Living stones of altars; Juries; Case precedents; Situational rulings - deciding fact and law; Christ's "weightier matters"; Mercy; Your willingness to enslave others; "The Rich" are also your neighbors; Suffering disadvantages; Prison system reasoning; Not punishment; Protect the innocent; Apostasy; Minister's job; Welfare a snare and trap; Sharing daily bread; Prophets of the beast; Reversing covetous practices; reactive nature; The way of righteousness; Political service of ekklesia; Strengthening society; Or perfect savages; Sharing; Stop being slothful!