8/27/22: What is Fervent Charity?

Keys of the Kingdom - A podcast by Brother Gregory

"The Word" (logos), Understanding right reason; 1 Pe 4:8; (Fervent) Charity covers sins; Selfish society; "Tao"; Law of nature; Tribalism; Valuing sacrificing for others; Finding God's righteousness; Idolatry/covetousness; Function of temples; Greed for gain; Socialism; Sons of God; Sureties for debt; Legal (binding) charity; Welfare snare; One purse; Dark ages?; Pathos and Ethos; Gathering as Christ commanded; Signs in the sun; Laying down your life for your fellow man; Forgiveness; Grace; Levites; Ordained ministers; Knowing the Holy Spirit; Public religion; "Ekklesia"; Redistributing wealth; Following false churches; Destruction of Corinth; Addiction to benefits; Government stimulus; Contextualizing scripture; Capitalism's free society; Repent = think differently; Who owns you?; Ex 20:6; Loving Christ's commandments; Deut 5:10; Jn 14:15; Jn 14:21; No king but Christ; Ekklesia vs free assemblies; Belong to Christ.