Season 3 - Episode 9 - NewAge CEO Brent Willis

Kickasspirational Podcast - A podcast by David Vanderveen

It’s unclear what the total impact of COVID-19 will be, how long the quarantines will last and what will become the new normal. What we do know is that right now we must behave differently to not only survive the pandemic but to thrive and grow ourselves, our families, our communities and our livelihoods during this difficult period. Brent Willis developed the disciplines to lead in a crisis through his training at West Point, his leadership in the Army and the aggressive global growth he created at major companies and brands while the youngest president at Coca Cola and his leadership at Stella Artois/AmBev. Now as the CEO of NewAge (NBEV on NASDQ), the fastest growing beverage company in the world, Brent joins the Kickasspirational Podcast to discuss how the company is investing in deeper bonds and faster organic growth with our distributor partners while we expand what it means to truly be an integrated omni channel business. If you’re interested to get more information about Noni by NewAge’s free training on virtual meeting and social media training tools, please follow on Instagram @nonibynewage for announcements about times, dates and virtual locations.   For more information about the products, brands and businesses, please visit or   If you’re interested in Noni by NewAge’s immune boosting products, Tahitian Noni Juice and Cell Defense, we have an offer for new customers to try both products at a dramatic discount and get free shipping.