Season 4 - Episode 2: Radness to the Max with Brian Bent
Kickasspirational Podcast - A podcast by David Vanderveen
Brian Bent actively and deliberately creates the world he wants to inhabit. Like filmmakers who are "auteurs" because of how they impact every element of a story told on film, Brian is an auteur for how he has crafted his personal brand story told in real life (including film). From his midcentury modern home that he recreated, to the hotrods he builds and races, the boards he builds and rides, the clothing he designs and the paintings he exhibits, Brian has an aesthetic that you know when you see it, touch it, feel it or ride it. David Vanderveen recently discovered Brian's holistic approach to living a customized life, built by his own hands, when picking up one of Brian's paintings at his home. Experiencing Brian's world, his ethos, his intentional way of living and applying his values deliberately created an impact that David felt needed to be shared on this podcast and as a video podcast with more visual inputs. The Kickasspirational YouTube can be found here: You can find more about Brian Bent and his art on Instagram at: @brian_bent @brianbentgallery Enjoy the ride Brian's about to take you on and buckle up, because Kickasspirational just went radness to the max!