Uncommon Factors of Attraction

Kinda Dating - A podcast by Natasha Chandel - Tuesdays


Did you know your spit could actually be a turn-on or off?! HowStuffWorks’ The Daily Zeitgeist podcasters Jack O’Brien and Miles Gray sit down with Natasha Chandel and Aisha Holden to talk about some of the more uncommon, even subconscious factors that play into who you might be attracted to. From color to your tears (yeah, you read correctly), they break down some secret reasons behind that chemistry, not so you can manipulate your way into someone’s pants, but understand the complex psyche! The group also gives advice to Sierra Burgess from “Sierra Burgess is a Loser” in this week’s Advice to a Famous Character. Listen to this quirky, hilarious episode of Kinda Dating! Follow us:FB, IG, TW: @kindadatingFB, IG: @natashachandelTW: @natasha_chandelFB, IG, TW: @aishasaysdanceIG, FB: @thedailyzeitgeistTW: @dailyzeitgeistTW: @jack_obrienIG, TW: @milesofgray