Rahul Rai: How Money Affects Relationships

Kinda Dating - A podcast by Natasha Chandel


Rahul Rai (Actor and TikTok star) is back with Natasha Chandel and Aisha Holden to discuss one of the most important, but least talked about issues in relationships – money! A partner’s financial literacy, their values and beliefs around money are vital factors in the long-term health of a relationship. Rahul a.k.a. “layman investor” helps Natasha and Aisha the nuances of money in dating and life, why it’s so hard to talk about it, and how to bring it up. Is lack of financial literacy a red flag? What are some green financial flags? Their answers might surprise you in this extremely informative, funny episode of Kinda Dating! → Watch video clips from the show, laugh at hilarious memes, and talk to us by following Kinda Dating on Instagram and TikTok! ← And check out our brand new website!  www.kindadating.com Kinda Dating is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. You can find more outstanding podcasts to subscribe to at Frolic.media/podcasts!  Follow Rahul Rai: Instagram,, TikTok,, Facebook,, YouTube Follow Natasha Chandel: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook Follow Aisha Holden: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Follow Adam Pineless: Instagram, Website