What’s Your Relationship Formula?

Kinda Dating - A podcast by Natasha Chandel


Danny Zuker (“Modern Family Executive Producer) returns to talk with Natasha and Aisha about the viability of relationship formulas.  ​​When we’re younger, we think there’s one way to live – you meet someone, you date, get married, have a kid. Life is very linear. It’s a simple black or white formula. But then you get older, and you start LIVING life… and realizing, there’s a whole lotta gray. The trio discuss how they’ve created their own gray space, and how they’ve deal with the “good opinion of others” along the way. Danny speaks candidly about his unique relationship with his ex-wife and how vacationing together works for them!  Episode Highlights: 0:00:00 – Intro  0:04:09 –  Danny Talks Social Media, Relationships, and Divorce 0:06:20 – Danny Talks About Hanging With Exes at the Viper Room 0:08:32 – Co-Parenting and Maintaining a Friendship with an Ex-Partner 0:11:36 – Dealing with Other People's Opinions 0:18:11 – Acceptance and Backlash in Modern Relationships and Society 0:21:50 – The Importance of Acceptance and Communication in Non-Traditional Relationships 0:23:49 - Learnings From Modern Family Kinda Dating is part of the Frolic Podcast Network. You can find more outstanding podcasts to subscribe to at Frolic.media/podcasts!  → Watch video clips from the show, laugh at hilarious memes, and talk to us by following Kinda Dating on Instagram and TikTok! ← Follow Danny Zuker: Instagram, Twitter Follow Natasha Chandel: Instagram, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook Follow Aisha Holden: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter Follow Adam Pineless: Instagram, Website