Healthy Heartfelt Habits for the Covid Crisis (With Dr. Shimi Kang)

KindSight 101 - A podcast by Morgane Michael: Small Act Big Impact


Child psychologist, Dr. Shimi Kang (author of The Tech Solution and The Dolphin Parent) explains how to navigate this uncertain times during the Covid-19 pandemic. We cover a lot of ground and here are a few ideas she shares with us: -the three mindsets to avoid in order to ward off post-traumatic-stress disorder - learning how to bring out contribution in those around you and how kindness is a psychological superfood - the three things to keep in mind as you talk to kids about this pandemic - how you can navigate the difficult feelings associated with grief - how tech isn't all bad: the three c's of healthy tech that will alleviate the guilt you might feel as you rely on tech to work from home