Not Today Corrrrrrrona! (With Dr. Jody Carrington)

KindSight 101 - A podcast by Morgane Michael: Small Act Big Impact


Dr. Jody Carrington (child psychologist and author of Kids These Days) talks to me about the Corona Virus pandemic and what we can do to get a grip during this uncertain rollercoaster ride. Listen as she outlines how we can: -navigate the topsy turvy disruption in routine and the world as we know it -create the illusion of proximity through remote connection (since we're all wired and hungry for it) -overcome the overwhelm and bring ourselves back to joy -rise above the "chippiness" in our relationships... "now is not the time for a divorce!" -engage in self-compassion practices that help us to avoid comparison and self-judgement As long as we're ok, the kids will be ok. Keep your eyes open for the educator follow up to Kids These Days this fall, as Dr. Jody Carrington teams up with the amazing Laurie McIntosh when they release their new book!