Dr. Garrett Smith - Busting the Myths of Women’s Reproductive Health [King Hero Interview]
King Hero's Journey with Beth Martens - A podcast by Beth Martens

In this third interview with Nutrition Detective, Dr. Garrett Smith, we are going to focus on the effects of toxicity on menstruation, pregnancy, childbirth, and menopause. We will discuss why the majority of women have problems at all of these stages, the many myths of solving the problems, and how toxic bile theory can be applied to better understanding them and mitigating the negative effects for ourselves and even generations to come. Dr. Garret Smith's bio: Dr. Garrett Smith is a licensed Naturopathic Physician (NMD) in the state of Arizona. Since starting his medical practice in 2006, he has helped thousands of people to fix their chronic diseases permanently. Through his focus on correcting “vitamin” A toxicity, specific nutrient deficiencies, and his paradigm-shifting Toxic Bile Theory approaches to health, Dr. Smith gets results for his clients that others were unable to previously. In his spare time, he enjoys training in the gym and shooting competitions. www.nutritiondetective.com *** MORE FROM BETH Watch the replay of the 2024 Journey Code Open House https://www.bethmartens.com/journey-code-open-house-2024 Sign up to learn the archetypes of controlled op, the 31 signs of controlled op, and hear a stage recording of my Anarchapulco workshop https://www.bethmartens.com/archteypes-of-controlled-op Sign up to take a 5-minute King Hero’s Journey archetype quiz https://www.bethmartens.com/king-hero-archetype-quiz-sign-up Apply to become a member of the House of Free Will Ministry https://www.bethmartens.com/house-of-free-will-ministry-membership-application Find the other 290+ King Hero's Journey interviews and Personal Rants https://kingheros.bethmartens.com/blog Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-3106072 Join me on the uncensored Rokfin https://rokfin.com/bethmartens Odyssey https://odysee.com/@bethmartens:b King Hero Telegram Channel https://t.me/kingherosjourney King Hero Telegram Chat https://t.me/kingherochat Twitter (X) https://twitter.com/bethmartens Instagram https://www.instagram.com/beth.martens/ Apply for archetype, de-programming or business coaching and training https://www.bethmartens.com/about or email beth at bethmartens.com Order a copy of my book, ‘Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness’ https://bit.ly/2k2MT5i Donate by PayPal if you’re inspired https://www.paypal.com/donate/?hosted_button_id=JMXXKTD29AHWW Canadian Court Procedure Study Group sign up https://www.bethmartens.com/court-procedure-study-group Follow the King Hero's Journey Podcast Anchor https://anchor.fm/beth-martens Breaker https://bit.ly/3QtY3en Apple Podcasts http://bit.ly/40sja5B Overcast https://bit.ly/47qPRT2 Pocket Casts https://pca.st/2d57orwc Radio Public https://bit.ly/3QvqKHV Spotify https://bit.ly/3MzDiNq RSS https://anchor.fm/s/7e20d7c/podcast/rss Affiliates: Take Dr. Frederick Graves' Jurisdictionary online course (with my link) https://www.howtowinincourt.com?refercode=MB0041 Get a Brown's gas AquaCure with $125 US savings by using the code: FREEWILL at https://www.eagle-research.life Being free is not a spectator sport - Hal Anthony, “Behind the Woodshed"