Edith Ubnutu Chan: Learning and Discerning for the Next Generation

King Hero's Journey with Beth Martens - A podcast by Beth Martens


Join Edith Ubuntu Chan for a livestream September 22, 2 PM CDT! Here’s what she’s going to be sharing with us:  * The current rapid change in consciousness and how this impacts our family dynamics, community/village, and kids' education.  * Gifts and blessings of the last 2.5yrs in awakening us to build parallel structures & solutions.  * Interesting & creative ways that freedom-communities are re-inventing education  * "Luminous Kids" their multi-dimensional abilities, truth discernment abilities, how they perceive the world and how they learn. why they simply cannot and do not fit into the old systems.  *A new paradigm of education that is arising and emerging right now.  * Six phases of transitioning from the old paradigm of education into what i call "Luminous Education"  * How the "rewards-and-punishment" paradigm changes our orientation to life in deep and profound ways.  * Transitioning into a fresh new orientation towards learning and life - one that is coherent, natural, authentic, referencing ancient wisdom but is also very fresh and new - never been done before. because this is a fresh new time!  *Our orientation towards technology. how to nurture wise use of technology with our kids.  And we’re going to talk about the upcoming event, Essential Training for Parents & Educators Living the New Paradigm - The Luminous Education event with training from:  • Charles Eisenstein • Mas Sajady • Matías De Stefano • Jenisa Washington • Dr. Barre Paul Lando • Penny Kelly • Gabriel Miguel • Dr. Peter Gray • Dayna Martin • Nicole Young • John Chavez • Kaylaa Kayce • Melanie Williams • Dr. Edith Ubuntu Chan  You can enrol in the Luminous Education Conference at this link: https://www.luminousrevolution.com/be...