George Wiseman: Brown’s Gas and Life Force [King Hero Interview]

King Hero's Journey with Beth Martens - A podcast by Beth Martens


Beth's Brown's gas Telegram group: Join a conversation livestream with the inventor of a Brown’s gas technology that has taken the alternative health and truth communities by storm.  In a world where people were already struggling with their health, controllers are doing everything possible to injure and kill us, and the health care system is really a regimented death-care system you can’t participate in without poison injections, it is a time for adopting alternative means for taking care of our own health privately.  Thanks to Crrow777, Alfa Vedic and Ben Balderson’s streams with George I got acquainted with his work and immediately reached out to interview him and begin my own Brown’s Gas experiment.  In this interview we will talk about the relationship of hydrogen and Brown’s gas to the design and function of life itself, the myths about PH and health, and discover how George’s technology and multiple other hydrogen-focussed therapies compare.  Visit his website: (  How George got on the Brown’s gas path he says God put him on:  I started learning how to make Brown’s Gas in 1986. I learned of the potential health benefits of Brown’s Gas in 1996 I started drinking the Brown’s Gas enhanced water in 2005 I started inhalation (breathing the Brown’s Gas) in 2016  I became (one of my trades) an automobile technician (on the Ranch you learn to fix most anything), specializing in fuel systems (I can double the mileage of nearly any vehicle).  In the late 1980’s I started experimenting with Brown’s Gas for combustion enhancement (onboard hydrogen electrolyzers) and made a simple system that would give an average 25% in fuel economy gain.  I then built larger electrolyzers (WaterTorches) that could produce enough Brown’s Gas to fuel (replace the fuel for) an acetylene torch. The Brown’s Gas works MUCH BETTER as a torch fuel-gas and is only 2% of the cost, but the WaterTorches are a very expensive upfront cost (in the $8,000 range today).  Then, in 1996, an AMAZING thing happened… But I didn’t believe it at the time. A WaterTorch customer told me that he cured a melanoma (skin cancer) on his forehead, in 3 weeks time, using a cotton ball repeatedly soaked in BG Bubbled water (that he made using his WaterTorch).  It took a long time for THEM to convince ME to try it for myself and I finally did start drinking the BG bubbled water in 2005 (9 years after God made me aware of the potential).  But what I didn’t think of, until a CUSTOMER sent me a video of an Asian ‘hydrogen bar’ where they go to inhale BG like we get a cup of coffee. It’s SAFE TO INHALE as long as you mix it with enough air to keep the hydrogen content UNDER the explosive limit (4% in air). I felt like an idiot (an occupational hazard for an inventor). And I also felt badly for the hundreds of people I’d miss-advised over the years. They missed out on HEALTH that they could have enjoyed.