The Counterfeit Nature of Our World - Hosts of Crrow77 Radio, Crrow and Jason Lindgren
King Hero's Journey with Beth Martens - A podcast by Beth Martens
I had the pleasure of interviewing the hosts of Crrow777 Radio, whose rather large following is blessed by the truth-digging labour of hosts Jason Lindgren and the original host, Crrow. “I’d rather be poor, starving and dead than work in the corporate world,” says Crrow who rejects his corporate birth certificate name. Learn how he jumped ship and faced poverty for a time so he could walk away from it. He says that for a righteous person, a path will appear in front of them. Both of them see that we live in a fugazzi, counterfeit world. Mythology is Being Used Against Us We talked about how mythology has been used and abused, to tell lies based on the old archetypes that exist within each of us. In this interview you'll discover why belief is the enemy of knowing. And why it’s called a Pan-demic, causing all of the Pan-ic…not to mention the Pan-demonium. Most Things Are Not As They Appear They say birth rates have fallen so far that in the next generations there will be races extinct. On Feminism my guest point out that Gloria Steinem’s feminist campaign was a CIA psyop. The propaganda instructed us that, “men are treating you bad. To get a better deal you need to act more like men.” Women stopped starting their families in early 20’s, and waited until their 30’s, which was a method of birth control. Divide and Conquer When asked about the split between men and women, Jason pointed out the age-old divide and conquer tactic, brought in slowly by the controllers. This is especially so between men and women. They point out how entertainment is all about man hating, and especially white man hating. Men are supposed to hate themselves and are depicted as having no personality of their own. In Hollywood now, women fight like men. It shows how the masculine and feminine archetypes are being blurred. True Heroes Are Rare Crrow says Heroes are a rare species, because they aren’t free. They have to give up more than the vast majority are willing to give up. He bluntly says, “You’re wasting your life in a thing called entertainment.” And boldly asks, “Do we stand up, do the hard things and strive to be righteous, or do we fake our way through this fake existence?” It's an Economic War While people were hiding their heads in the mainstream media an economic war was waged. Crrow and Jason say, "Stand the hell up for what you know to be right and don’t be afraid to say, 'What’s going on here is wrong'.” What happens next matters and is going to go on for a long time. Think for yourself, stay in higher mindedness, don’t give into fear. There’s A LOT more to this than what is let on. Most importantly find out why nature is the cure to all evil. *** Join this interview live as a premiere to YouTube this evening (if you're in North America), 8:30 PM CST. Click this link now and tap the bell to get a notification of when we go live later. PLEASE I would LOVE if you can subscribe to my channel, like and share the video as well. I'm getting great feedback on these interviews and that people are getting helped by watching them. YouTube Premiere link: Blog link: Love to see you there to talk in the chat room, 8:30 PM CST TODAY!