Topher Gardner: Spontaneous Generation [King Hero Interview]
King Hero's Journey with Beth Martens - A podcast by Beth Martens

Join creator of BioCharisma, Topher Gardner — builder, body worker, and astrologist — and myself for an interview about spontaneous generation, and how our inner and outer worlds get created. In this discussion we will talk about the uniqueness of each being; what is real vs. what are desires and cravings; strength of will and free will; what he calls “spiritual trustifarians”; what he experienced in ashrams; the nature of a Saturn return in astrology; how we are moving out of the guru phase of spiritual development; how disillusionment and sacred calling intersect; why "vibration is location”; and the role that initiation experiences have in our lives. You can learn more about and support Topher here:• Analog Super Chat: Christopher Gardner, P.O. Box 402, Willow Springs, MO 65793-0402• Digital Super Chat: PayPal: [email protected]• Website: • Social Media: @BioCharisma on Instagram and YouTube• Patreon: About is the clearing house for all the curiosities and experiments that Chris’Topher’ Gardner has given his attention to. Philosophy and innovation are the primary drivers that populate this site’s content. Having over 20 years of professional experience with massage, coaching, construction, architecture, and inventing has led to a phenomenonolgy that is both unique and grounded.There is truly, ‘Never a Dull Moment’ once you enter these walls……primarily because our walls are curved :). ***Bumper music by Liam Martens, aka ツSaiko, sub to him here on YouTube: *** MORE FROM BETH Watch the replay of the 2024 Journey Code Open House Sign up to learn the archetypes of controlled op, the 31 signs of controlled op, and hear a stage recording of my Anarchapulco workshop Sign up to take a 5-minute King Hero’s Journey archetype quiz Apply to become a member of the House of Free Will Ministry Find the other 290+ King Hero's Journey interviews and Personal Rants Rumble Join me on the uncensored Rokfin Odyssey King Hero Telegram Channel King Hero Telegram Chat Twitter (X) Instagram Apply for archetype, de-programming or business coaching and trainingor email beth at Sign up to do a King Hero’s Journey archetype quiz Order a copy of my book, ‘Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness’ Donate by PayPal if you’re inspired Canadian Court Procedure Study Group sign-up Follow the King Hero's Journey PodcastAnchorBreakerApple PodcastsOvercastPocket CastsRadio PublicSpotifyRSS Affiliates: Take Dr. Frederick Graves' Jurisdictionary online course (with my link)Get a Brown's gas AquaCure with $125 US savings by using the code: FREEWILL at Being free is not a spectator sport - Hal Anthony, “Behind the Woodshed” ***ABOUT BETH MARTENS For archetype, purpose and business coach, author, coach trainer, and founder of the House of Free Will in the Private Domain, Beth Martens, her calling is a life or death thing. After a decade as a corporate VP in her family’s firm, 8 trips to India, and a 3-year battle with cancer 20 years ago, she used archetypes to save her life. Today she helps truth lovers find their sacred purpose, be valued for their life’s work, and survive the ordeals of their Hero's Journey. As a recovering feminist, she helps strong men to survive their missions, and hosts the King Hero's Journey podcast to highlight important leaders, entrepreneurs, movement makers, law experts, and purveyors of the truth. Visit her at to do a free ‘King Hero’ Archetype Quiz to learn where you are on the path of purpose. Find her book, “Journey: A Map of Archetypes to Find Lost Purpose in a Sea of Meaninglessness” is available at Apply to become a member in the House of Free Will Ministry at