One of the most extraordinary sports stories of all time!!

King Of The Lifts - A podcast by 6 Pack Lapadat

Hear the story that has the Powerlifting community a buzz. James Kee was bullied relentlessly in school and began lifting weights as his outlet. The transition brought him from a troubled expelled student to the top of his class. He would go on to be a successful entrepreneur with the sky as the limit…until the day he woke up in the hospital with his mother in tears, the police telling him he almost killed 3 people, finding out he would lose his business and his freedom, and hearing about interactions he cannot even remember! The James Kee story would unfold into one of the most interesting/complex/and fascinating tales sports has ever told. Not the least of the many plot twists, in his Powerlifting debut he unofficially breaks the bench press World Record! Think you have heard it all? Guess again. This is one story you cannot miss!!! 6 Pack Lapadat & Paul Maranzan are joined with the talk of Powerlifting, James Kee.