345: Andrew Ferebee The 7 Deepest Regrets of Men That You Must Know Before They Become Your Reality Tomorrow

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Why do we throw away time like it will last forever…? Every day millions of men like you wake up and run around in jobs they hate, so they can buy things they don’t need, to impress people on social media platforms they don’t belong on. That’s a life stuck in the rat race. The people who really love you will love you for the man you are, and not the material items you own. This has always been the truth – but so many men choose to buy into the idea that “the more I own, the more of a man I am.” And that idea slowly kills every one of those men. Life is short, and there are so few things that really matter in the end. What will you take with you to the grave, except the memories, experiences and joy you had while you were in this world? We all know what really matters to us. But we often choose to ignore those things, because then we’d have to look in the mirror and face the scary reality that our life is nothing like we hoped it’d be when we were 10 years old full of innocent hopes and dreams. Remember that 10-year-old boy?