Conquer Your Fears, Achieve Your Vision, Master Your Life with Ryan Michler

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Ryan Michler is the founder of the Order of Man blog and podcast which helps men to master the 8 core areas of their life. He is also the founder of his own financial planning firm and a veteran of the Iraqi war. Favorite Success Quote “I am an old man and have known a great many troubles, and most of them never happened”~Mark Twain Key Points 1. Most of Your Fears Will Never Be Realized  Something that most men never realize until it is too late, is that most of the things that they fear will never come to fruition, and lead lives of quiet desperation, paralyzed by fear, and unable to take action. Odds are, if you start that business you won’t go bankrupt, if you take that trip you won’t get kidnapped and murdered, if you ask that girl out you won’t get wine splashed on your face and cursed out. Most of your fears are completely irrational and will never actually happen. Realize this, take the steps necessary to mitigate risks, and GET ON LIVING! 2. Who Are You Not to Start? One of the questions that inevitably comes up for most men whenever they look to start a business, improve their body, or their dating lives is “Who am I to do this?” Let me ask you a better question “Who are you not to do this?” Are you really so selfish that you would rob the world of your gifts, talents, and abilities out of fear? Are you really so selfish that you would rob your family, your friends, and your country of the amazing changes and difference that you can bring about simply because you don’t feel worthy? How dare you even consider keeping your gifts inside of you! You have a responsibility to share yourself and your gifts with the world, in fact, you cannot be a “real” man until you do so. 3. Take Small Steps to Get Where You Want  Whenever you have a big goal, it’s easy to get frustrated and overwhelmed with how far you are from your goal. But the simple way to get around this frustration is to take small daily action. If you want to start a business, begin by simply writing on your blog every night for an hour after work, if you want to get in better shape, start by doing 10 pushups every morning and adding one each day, if you want to get better with women, start by just casually talking to girls in line at the grocery store. Your goals don’t have to be big and scary. Start small and keep taking daily actions and you will get there. 5. Self Mastery is About Virtue  Often times, people wonder what the meaning of self master is, and simply put, it’s about mastering virtue. It’s about integrity and doing the right thing even when it’s hard. It’s about saying no to watching adult websites even though you want to, about saying no to having another drink despite the jeers of your social circle, it’s about staying faithful to your spouse, and it’s about doing what you said you would do no matter what.