Create Emotional Tension to Master Seduction and Dating with Dr. Robert Glover

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Dr. Robert Glover, author of No More Mr. Nice Guy: A Proven Plan For Getting What You Want in Love, Sex and Life (Running Press, 2003) Dr. Glover is an internationally recognized authority on the Nice Guy Syndrome. He is a frequent guest on radio talk shows and has been featured in numerous local and national publications. Through his book, online classes, workshops, podcasts, blogs, consultation, and therapy groups, Dr. Glover has helped change the lives of countless men and women around the world. Favorite Quote “If you obey all the rules you miss all the fun”~Audrey Hepburn Key Points 1. Nothing Hidden Nothing Half-assed To stop being the nice guy and unleash your inner alpha, you have to stop hiding. Stop hiding what you are thinking because you are afraid of what other people will say about you. Stop hiding your thoughts and feelings towards women because you are afraid it will upset them and cause tension. Stop bs'ing people to make them happy. Be you Once you stop lying and keeping things hidden, you must stop doing things halfway. If you are going to do something, go all in, hold nothing back. If you are half in, it is probably a sign that you are doing something that is incongruent with who you are and your mission in life, and you should likely reevaluate your reasons for doing it. 2. You Already Have Enough Information The problem facing most guys today is not lack of information, but rather a lack of action on the information they already know. You already know everything that you need to know to begin taking the action that will help you achieve your goals in your dating, physical, and financial lives. It’s simple. To be healthy, eat whole foods and exercise everyday. To get good with women, talk to more women. To become rich, work hard on a side hustle until you can quit your job and then save and invest at least 15% of your income. Simple right? But are you taking the action? 3. Women Need Emotional Tension Something that most men do not understand is that women want positive tension in their lives (why do you think they enjoy those damn soap operas?). They want a man who will challenge them and tease them. They want a man who is completely unafraid of their reaction. The best ways to build emotional tension are to touch, tease, and tell. Touch her playfully throughout the interaction. Touch her arm, spin her, hold her hand, break the touch barrier, the sooner the better. Tease her in a kind hearted way that shows you are a challenge and may even get close to crossing the line every once in awhile. And finally, just freaking tell her what it on your mind. Don’t play games and don’t kid people. Build the tension and be brutally honest. (Touch tease and tell)