How to Be Comfortable with the Uncomfortable To Move Forward In Life With Ross Jeffries

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Ross Jeffries™ is the founder, creator and Master Teacher of the worldwide seduction community. Featured as the mentor to Neil Strauss in the best-selling book, “The Game”, RJ has taught, coached, and mentored thousands of men around the world, since 1991, guiding them to the success with women they truly desire and deserve. Favorite Success Quote “Be interested in your outcome but invested in your skills. In a breakfast of bacon and eggs, the chicken is interested, the pig is invested.” Key Points 1. If You Want Unfamiliar Results You Need Unfamiliar Action Everyone knows the old quote from Albert Einstein that “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again while expecting different results.” And yet so many of us continue with the same old actions while expecting new outcomes. If you want unfamiliar results, you have to take unfamiliar actions. You have to do things that you have never done to get results that you have never gotten. And that is scary. But it’s the only way to achieve growth.  So plug your nose and get ready for the plunge, but realize that you will come out on the other side better and stronger than ever before. 2. You Need to Upgrade Your Operating System If you are struggling with dating, business, or health, the problem is not in the technique, it’s in your operating system. To achieve uncommon results in life, you need to upgrade yourself and improve the system that you are playing on. You need to invest in yourself and change the limiting beliefs that are holding you back in life. 3. We are All Humans  Often times, men put women on these pedestals and place them on a platform above them. But the simple truth is, we are all human. We all came into this world naked and alone, and we will all leave this world in the same way. When you approach life wearing these lenses, you see things as they really are. No one is superior, no one is inferior, we are all the same and we are all headed for the same final destination. 4. Find Something You Are Passionate About  If you fell lost or feel like your life is boring and uninspiring, then you need to find something that you are passionate about. Find something you love to do and simply do more of it. It can be music, it can be boxing, it can be talking to girls, building a business, or anything else you want. It’s not important what you are pursuing, just that you are passionate about the pursuit. 5. You Don’t Have Knowledge Until You Act  Without action, knowledge is simply information. You do not have knowledge until you have applied the information that you have learned to achieve some sort of result. In the world of business and dating, men run around with a lot of information, but very little knowledge. They know all of the tactics and techniques to improve their dating lives and make millions of dollars, and yet they are still broke and single. If you want to improve your life in a real and drastic way, then you need to start acting on information. It is the only path to improvement.