How to Breakthrough Your Plateaus and Achieve Like the Top 1% With Rich Litvin

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Rich Litvin is a high-performance coach who helps Olympic athletes, presidential candidates, and special forces members achieve  more in their life, business, and relationships. He is also the Co-author  of the bestselling book “The Prosperous Coach.” Favorite Success Quote “Confidence is a result, n0t a requirement” Key Points 1. You Need to Live a Life of Integrity If you want to be respected in life and succeed at the highest level, then you must be a man of integrity. This does not simply mean that you keep your word when you make a promise. It means that your thoughts, words, and actions are all in congruence. You don’t lie and blow smoke to appease others, you don’t hold your tongue to avoid pissing people off, and you don’t live a life that is incongruent with what you want to make others happy. You live a life of congruence where everything is in line. This is the pathway to true power. 2. If You Want to Live Life Fully Kill the Nice Guy Most men play life small. Why? Because they are nice. Or at least, that’s how they appear on the surface. They are agreeable, amiable, and work very hard to make others happy, but in reality, they are living a lie. They say yes when they want to say no, they suppress emotions, and they do all of it out of selfishness, hoping that their perceived niceness will result in some sort of gain. To live fully, to live a powerful life, and be a grounded man, you have to kill the nice guy. Speak your truth, live in integrity, and do not set out to appease others. Be kind, of course, but do it from a place of abundance, where you are giving to the world because you are already so full, not from a place of scarcity where you are kind because you want something in return. 3. You Need to Burn Your Bridges Want to succeed? Burn your bridges. While everyone has their own path, one of the quickest ways to ensure success is to cut off all chances of failure. If you quit your job, move to a new city, leave a relationship, or sell a home, that’s it. There is no turning back. When you give yourself no choice but to succeed, you will find that you are stronger than you ever thought. 4. What Got You Here Won’t Get You There  Something interesting about high achievers is that the actions that got them to where they are today will not get them to where they want to be. Everything you have done to become successful in the past will hold you back from becoming successful today Life is in a constant state of change, and when you are doing the same actions you were doing years ago, odds are you are playing it small. You need to have powerful men, coaches, and mentors in your life who can call you on your bullshit and help you step things up. You will never become a billionaire doing what you did to become a millionaire. 5. You Need to Improve Only 4% Most people think they need to improve 100% to achieve their dream lives. The truth is, they only need to improve about 4% in the right area of life. If you can find that critical 4% in your dating, health, and business, your life can change completely. The key is, once again, finding people who can help you to pinpoint that critical 4% and help you on the path to its achievement.