How to Find Purpose, Love Fully, and Discover the Real You With Kute Blackson

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Kute Blackson is an influential thought leader, a transformational coach, and author of You Are the One. He has spent the past several years of his life dedicated to helping men and women live lives of true purpose. Discovering who they really are and how they can share their gifts with the world. He has appeared on the Larry King show and has been endorsed by influencers Jack Canfield, Rhonda Britten, Lisa Nichols, and John Gray among many others. Favorite Success Quote “The real does not die, and the unreal never lived” ~Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj. Key Points 1. Be in Constant Surrender  Life is unpredictable. The more you end up trying to control it, the more it ends up controlling you. One of the keys to living a truly happy and fulfilled life is to learn to surrender to the flow of life. Allow life to happen. Understand that things happen for a reason. Do not try and force life, rather surrender to life and you will be amazed at what it brings to you. 2. You Need to Break Out of Your Comfort Zone Life is meant to be lived. If you are staying in your comfort zone, you are not living. You need to constantly push yourself to do new and exciting things. Things that scare you, things that make you unsure of yourself, and things that you are unsure you can accomplish. Because the funny thing is, you will be just fine. You will survive, and likely thrive, and the more often you push yourself to do things outside of the normal for you, the more you will grow and the more confidence you will have. 3. You Have to Question and Feel yourself  There is an old saying that “The unexamined life is not worth living.” You need to question yourself, question your life, question the decisions that you have made and your assumptions about who you are and what your identity is. The more you question your life, the more you will realize the beauty and power of your life. Once you have begun upon this realization, you need to feel yourself. You need to feel who you truly are. Not who society says you are, not who your parents say you are, and not even who you say you are. You need to feel into who you truly are. Once you can do this, you will be amazed at how your life will change. 4. You Are Not Your Thoughts  You are not your mind. You are not your thoughts. You are much deeper than that. You are an infinite being that is part of an infinite universe, and you have to learn to accept that fact and see your life as it really is. Your thoughts are merely a vessel for a tiny part of you that is on this great journey called life. Learn to disassociate from your thoughts and witness them instead of being a slave to them. 5. Happiness is About Truth  There is no happiness when you are living in a lie. If you want to live a life of total fulfillment and genuine joy and happiness, you have to start telling the truth. Tell the truth to the people in your life, yes, but more importantly, tell the truth to yourself. Stop lying to yourself and get real. The sooner you can do this, the better your life will be.