How to Make the “Impossible” Become Your Reality with Steve Sims

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Steve Sims is a kid from London with a knack for networking and an attitude that refuses to believe the word “Impossible”. Founder of the super exclusive, membership only personal concierge service for VIPs and executives seeking the ultimate in unique experiences and travel for themselves and their companies, Steve Sims is an unlikely expert marketer within the luxury industry. But his secret to success is that he’s built a life out of keeping his word, and not taking no for an answer. Profiled and often quoted in international publications including the Wall Street Journal, Forbes, London’s Sunday Times, and South China Morning Post, TV and Sims is a sought-after speaker at a variety of prestigious organizations such as the Pentagon and Harvard! Whether you want to sing with your favorite rock star, have lunch with Donald Trump, get married in the Vatican, or dive to the wreck of the Titanic, Steve Sims is the guy who gets to yes when the answer for anyone else would be no. You can connect with him and learn more at Favorite Success Quote “No one ever drowned by falling in the water. They drowned by staying there.” ~Steve’s Father Key Points 1. It’s Not About How You Go Down It’s About How You Get Up  Life is hard. It will kick the crap out of you and leave you on the ground and there is very little you can do to avoid this. So stop trying to fight failure and accept it. You are GOING to fail. You are going to mess up. You are going to make bad decisions. You are going to lose money. You are going to fail at important relationships. You are going to fall down. But that’s not what is important. Everyone in the history of humanity has fallen down. What history cares about, what the marketplace and the “gods” of success care about is how you get up. If you are willing to pick yourself up off the ground, get back up, and start swinging again, life will reward you greatly. If you are willing to push through adversity, smile in the face of failure, and persevere no matter how many times you fall down, you will eventually succeed. Failure is inevitable. It’s what you do after you fail that makes all the difference. 2. People Will Pay to Avoid Rejection and Humiliation  If you are struggling to make ends meet, one of the quickest ways that you can increase your income is by becoming comfortable with rejection and humiliation. People all over the world will pay handsomely to avoid the discomfort of rejection. It’s simply part of human nature. Humiliation and rejection are not pleasurable experiences. But if you can learn to overcome your fear of rejection and humiliation and then leverage that skill to help others, there is no limit to the amount of money and influence you can create. 3. Communication Opens the Doors of Life  The “Secret Sauce” to becoming wildly successful in 2018 and beyond is simple… Master the art of communication. While everyone else stares down at their cell phones, stays addicted to their Crackberries, and struggle to make small talk while they’re in line for a coffee, you can accelerate your success by learning to communicate. Learn how to cut through the bullshit and start interesting conversations. Master the art of building reciprocity. Learn how to persuade people and connect with power players. Master the art of gift giving. Become a master communicator and the world will become your oyster. Our society is slowly but surely losing its ability to connect and collaborate. If you can maintain and improve your ability to network and build authentic relationships, there is no limit to what you can achieve. 4. Be Memorable  The worst crime that you can commit in a social situation is to be boring. The world is filled with boring and uninteresting people. It’s your job to stand out from the crowd, be authentic, and be memorable. This doesn’t mean that you should be an obnoxious clown or some sort of ass hole. It simply means that you must learn how to stand out in people’s minds. Learn how to make people feel special and how to present yourself in a way that is unique and unexpected. If you can successfully position yourself as a memorable and interesting individual you will have an abundance of business opportunities and romantic relationships coming your way. 5. Throw Sh*t at the Wall and See What Sticks  Life is about experimenting. Try out 1,000 things this year until you figure out what you like. Try three new things a day. Talk to as many strangers as you can. Throw shit at the wall and see what sticks.