I'm Not You with Olaniyi Sobomehin

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Olaniyi “Nee” Sobomehin is a former American football fullback. He played college football at Portland State. He was signed by the New Orleans Saints as an undrafted free agent in 2008. After being cut from the NFL due to an injury, Olaniyi decided to begin coaching and from there, in adittion to being a full time fire fighter, he has built a coaching company imnotyou.com to help young athletes be successful at an elite level. Favorite Success Quote   “Life is just a battle against your disbelief that’s why I’m screaming I’m the greatest of all time like young Ali”~Nipsey Hustle   Key Points 1. If Your Mindset isn’t Right Your Life Won’t be Right  Everything in your life, good or bad, stems from your mindset and your internal beliefs. If your mindset is weak, your life will be weak, it’s that simple. You must develop the habit of improving the quality of your thinking daily. Stop tolerating weak and amateur level behavior and beliefs from yourself, challenge all of your limiting beliefs that say “I can’t do this” or “I’m not worthy.” Quit complaining and making excuses and just get to work, improve your mindset and build the life of your dreams. 2. Begin Your Morning in the Right State  One of the habits nearly every successful person follows is a powerful morning routine. How you start your days plays a huge role in the outcome of your days, and your days control the outcome of your life, so if you want to take control of your life, take control of your mornings. Some habits you can begin instilling into your morning routine for rapid results are: 1. Affirmations: Tell yourself that you are the best over and over, and over 2. Meditation: Quiet your mind and get present and focused for the day ahead 3. Read: There is almost nothing as important as educating yourself, read, read, read. 4. Exercise: Get the endorphins going and the blood flowing 3. Eliminate Things That Are Distracting You From Your Goals  We live in a digital age where big companies capitalize on creating products that distract us from living our lives. If you want to be truly successful, you must begin to ruthlessly eliminate things that distract you from achieving your goals. Do you really need to spend hours on facebook each day for “Business,” is the next episode of Breaking Bad really more important than your dreams and aspirations? Start eliminating distractions so that you can fill your life with real experiences and real achievement and impact. 4. Read as Much as You Can  One of the cornerstone habit of every successful individual is massive self education. The most important investment you can make is in yourself, and reading is one of the easiest and least expensive ways to do that. Begin incorporating an hour of reading or listening to audiobooks into your life every day. Fill your head with the thoughts and life lessons of the greatest people who have ever lived and watch the quality of your life transform. 5. To Get Good Results You Need Good Emotions Your emotions are either helping or hurting you, there is no in between. If you want to see exceptional results in your life you need to have an exceptional quality of emotions. Learn to control how you feel in each moment. Understand the affect that sleep, exercise, posture, diet, and even your clothing has on how you feel in each moment and begin to build a lifestyle conducive to positive emotions. 6. Stop Being a Wimp aka Own Your Situation Whenever you find yourself allowing circumstances and negative emotions to rule your life, or whenever you begin playing the blame game, stop being a little wimp and own your situation. You are where you are because of the actions you have (or haven’t) taken. You are responsible for your life, no one else. When you take 100% responsibility for your life, there is no one left to blame, and when there is no one left to blame you can begin living the life that you were born to live.