Live a Value Based Life and Achieve True Success With Ajit Nawalkha

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Ajit is co-founder of Blinkwebinars and Evercoach. He is also CEO of Mindvalley Media, the publishing arm of the Mindvalley Group. He also helps other business as a mentor in a private mastermind, Zentreprenur. Ajit also sits on the board for companies like Digital Academy India, Omvana, and Mindvalley Italy. In his free time, he likes to work on self-development, reiki, and his cooking skills. He is passionate about marketing and sales. Favorite Success Quote “It is better to have a short life that is full of what you like doing than to have a long life doing something you hate” ~Alan Watts Key Points 1. External Succes is Fleeting So many men try and pursue external success and validation thinking that it will make them happy and fulfilled, but the truth is, success has nothing to do with your external accomplishments. True happiness, true success, and true fulfillment comes from living a life based around offering value and living the values that you hold dear. It comes from loving others, filling your days with incredible experiences, and spending time doing the things that you enjoy. That new house, raise, or car might make you happy, but only for a moment. 2. Success is About Living a Value Based Life Success, true success, comes from living a life that is congruent with your deeply held values and beliefs. If you value time with your family but work 80 hours a week to earn 7-figures, you are not a success. If you value your health, but give it up so that you can party with friends to try and look cool, you are not a success. You are only a success if your thoughts, words, and actions are aligned with your deepest values and the man that you want to be. 3. Focus on Showing Up not Achieving Goals  A life focused on achieving goals is a life of misery, because goals are constantly shifting and as soon as one is accomplished, you are left with a deep void and a sense of “What’s next?” If you want to live a fulfilled and happy life, then focus more on showing up each day as the man that you want to be. Be fully present in every conversation, treat others with respect and kindness, worry more about the impact you are having on those around you than the potential benefit that they can be to you and your goals. When you make this mental shift, you will be more loving, kind, and generous, and the funny thing is, the universe will reciprocate this and you will likely achieve those goals that you had set because you are no longer focused on them. 4. Stop Trying to Live Up to The Expectations of the World The world pushes all of these unrealistic expectations and standards on you, trying to convince you to conform to its standards and desires. However, to live the life of your dreams, you must shun the expectations of the world and instead create your own expectations for yourself and your future. You decide who you want to be, what you want to accomplish, and most important how you want to show up, not the world. Once you truly internalize this, the freedom and joy that you will feel is almost unparalleled. 5. Keep People First  In business, relationships, and pretty much every other area of life, make sure that you are keeping people first. In your business, focus on your clients, not your revenue. In your relationships, focus on adding value and not taking value. In your health, focus on how your improved performance and energy will affect those around you and not on how it will boost your own ego. Always keep people first and you will never lose.