Live with Integrity, Embrace Your Purpose, and Become a Great Man with Dane Maxwell

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Dane Maxwell is a serial entrepreneur, the founder of  Zannee and the CEO of The Foundation program. He has taken his businesses from mere ideas to seven figure companies within a brief period of 5 years. Success Quote “All you have to do is care” – Dane Maxwell Key Points 1. All You Have to Do is Care  That’s it. All you have to do is care. If you want to succeed at business, health, love, spirituality or any other facet of your life, all you have to do is care. You have to care about what you are doing more than you care about the next episode of American Idol or the next adult video you were going to watch. You have to care enough to get uncomfortable, to do the hard thing, to put in the work, to sweat, to cry and to bleed until you achieve your goal. If you want a great relationship. All you have to do is care If you want a successful, globally impactful business, all you have to do is care. If you want to live the life of your dreams and help as many people as you possibly can along the way. All you have to do is care. 2. Accept Devastation on a Daily Basis On the road to success, you will be devastated. It’s all but inevitable. Part of the entrepreneurial lifestyle, and really life as a human being is accepting that at any moment you could be devastated on either a large or a small scale. If you want to lead a happy, fulfilled life, you must learn to accept this possibility and not run from it. If you live your life in constant fear of devastation and failure, you will never truly live. If you accept the inherent risk of this human existence and accept that devastation could occur at any moment, then you are free to live fully and openly. 3. With the Context of Unconditional Love There is No Concept of Worth  Everyone is familiar with the concept of worth. Be it net worth, social worth or self worth, we have all heard the term and are all well versed ascribing worth to everything in our lives, especially ourselves. However, Dane suggests that we should approach this concept from a completely different angle. Unconditional love. If you love yourself unconditionally there is no concept of worth, you are loves no matter how you are. No matter how well your business does. No matter if you are successful in your relationships, no matter if you feel lost and unsure, or on fire and passionate. This idea of radical, unconditional love for both yourself and everyone in your life is the powerhouse for transformation. 4. True Power Comes from Being Vulnerable in Community  We always speak of a confident man as someone who has his shit together. Someone who is unaffected by others and who feels a total independence from outcome. In the interview, Dane suggests that real power, true power, lies in authenticity and vulnerability. Real power lies in being able to look the people who are counting on you in the face and say “Guys I’m scared, I don’t know what I’m doing.” When you open yourself up, when you are vulnerable and honest, you are confident. It shows that you are a man who is willing to be hurt, who is willing to be ridiculed and mocked and who is willing to admit his own weaknesses and shortcomings. True power lies in vulnerability 5. How You Treat Women is Indicative of Your Character One of the greatest indicators of a man’s character is how he treats the women in his life. Men who treat women as party favors and objects to be enjoyed for a night before pissing off are likely the same in all other areas of their lives. Their interactions in business, health and spirituality are likely equally shallow and disconnected. If you want to be a great man, understand a woman’s heart. Be willing to sit with her for hours while she shares her feelings without any concern for your own desires. Be willing to work at a relationship and work to connect with a woman. If you can understand the heart of a woman, you can unlock everything else in your life.