Master Your Craft, Rise to the Top, and Build an Unbeatable Brand With David Schloss

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


David Schloss is the CEO and Founder of Rampify and Convert ROI, two top level marketing and advertising agencies that have generated over $25 million in revenue for their clients. He has been featured on CNBC, CNN Money, and the Miami Herald. Favorite Success Quote “Opportunities don’t happen, you create them” ~Chris Grosser Key Points 1. All Success Comes from Mastering the “Three P’s”  The formula for success is simple. No really… It is. If you want to be successful, all you need to do is master what David calls the “Three P’s”. Practice Patience Persistence Seriously that’s it. Whether you want to lose weight, build an amazing business, or get better with women, the formula is the same. First, you must practice the important skills and habits required by your craft. Whether you are practicing copywriting, certain weight lifting movements, or going on dates with beautiful women, the first step is always practice. But practice in and of itself isn’t enough. You must be patient and give yourself time to succeed. You can’t expect to lose 100+ lbs. the first time you go to the gym, make $1,000,000 from your first sales letter, or immediately seduce, fall in love with, and marry the first woman you meet! You must be patient and give yourself the time required to become a master of your craft. And finally, you must persist. Because here’s the thing… Even when you are diligently practicing your craft and patiently waiting for results, you are going to hit a speedbump. You will lose a client, get dumped by a woman you love, or injure yourself in the gym… It’s inevitable. But it’s during times of adversity where champions are made. Because if you are willing to persist and overcome these setbacks and losses, on the other side of these adversities is success. 2. Make Your Own Opportunites  Thomas Jefferson once said “I am a great believer in luck. And I have found that the harder I work, the more of it I have.” This sentiment was true hundreds of years ago when our Founding Fathers fought to liberate the United States from British rule and it is true today as you prepare to pursue whatever goals you have set for yourself. Opportunity isn’t given at random. It’s presented to individuals who have earned it, individuals who have hustled and worked towards achieving their dreams and goals and are ready to accept the responsibility of new opportunities. So if you want an abundance of opportunity in your life you must be willing to embrace the grind and go make your own opportunities. 3. Focus on Your Service So You Never Have to Focus on Sales  Many entrepreneurs and business owners struggle to generate leads and close down new clients. It seems like no matter how hard they try to grow their client Rolodex and increase their customer retention, they are constantly fighting an uphill battle to get and keep new customers. The reason? They are focused on their sales instead of their services. You see, when you have services and products that blow your customers out of the water, they will naturally refer new clients to you and tell everyone they meet about your awesome work. Think about Tony Robbins… Each and every year he sells (literally) millions of dollars worth of online programs, high-performance coaching, and live seminar tickets. And while he certainly uses online advertising, and email marketing in 2017, for the longest time his company operated almost exclusively through word of mouth. In fact, the majority of his initial success (which resulted in a $400 million IPO) was a direct result of his client referral programs. If you want to build a business that will stand the test of time, you need to master online marketing, there’s no doubt about it. But even more important than any social media platform or native advertising tactic are the services and products that you provide. If you can wow your customers if you can provide an experience, not just a service, and if you can go above and beyond the call of duty to serve your clients, the results will speak for themselves and you will never have to chase a client ever again. 4. Be Careful Who You Have in Your Corner  Nothing will have a greater impact on your life and success than the people who you allow into your life. From friends to mentors to spouses to family members, the individuals who you let into your life can make or break your happiness and success making it crucial that you are highly selective when building your social circle. For David, his girlfriend was one of the driving factors behind his success. She supported him and believed in his even when he didn’t believe in himself. However, I have friends who are in the opposite boat. Their significant others are the primary reason that they are not succeeding at high levels! In your own life, you need to take stock of your social circle, and this includes your family and spouse. Are they helping you or hurting you? Are they pushing you towards greatness or keeping you mired in mediocrity? 5. Make Time for What is Important  People will often complain that they “don’t have enough time” to spend on the things that are important. And quite frankly, this is a load of crap. You will always have time for the things that truly matter to you, and if you don’t have time, then you can make time. If you claim that your wife is important to you but you can’t remember the last time you went on a date with her, then you need to hire an assistant to free up your day and start taking your wife to lunch. If you say that your health is important but you never exercise and rarely eat anything other than fast food, spend a little bit less time growing your business and start a simple workout routine with one of your friends. Stop making excuses and start finding ways to carve out time for what really matters. Business and money are important, there’s no doubt. However, without your health and without people to share your success with, no amount of money or fame will fill the hole in your life.