The Hidden Formula Behind Success, Leadership, and Leaving a Legacy With Jaret Grossman

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


After amassing over 30 million views on YouTube by producing a video every day for a year, Jaret Grossman has quickly become sought after as one of the world’s best life coaches and business consultants. Jaret’s world class advice is drawn from his early childhood woes and muscular transformation. As an 8th grader, Jaret was only 90 pounds, won only one wrestling match, and was constantly picked on and bullied. He progressed to become one of New York’s best wrestlers and eventually became a 3x All-American at Bryant University. After he pursued a career in law or investment banking, Jaret realized his passion lied elsewhere. While finishing up his JD degree, Jaret started up a health and fitness brand with his childhood friend Richie Allen. The two of them built the Muscle Prodigy presence to over 300,000 unique visitors per month, over 1 million social media followers, and topped the charts with several iTunes albums. Favorite Success Quote “He that gives should never remember and he that receives should never forget.” Key Points 1. Absorb What is Useful Discard What is Not  In our modern society, it seems like everyone with a blog or a YouTube channel is trying to peddle the “One weird Secret to Success” or “Top Tips for Financial Freedom”. And while many of these platforms provide valuable sources of information, people often mistake general principles for universal truths. Every person is different. We all have different goals, dreams, aspirations, and definitions of success. So you must learn to pick and choose the advice that you follow. Absorb useful information from a variety of sources, use what works for you and discard what doesn’t. Over the years, as you continually try new things, succeed, fail, and figure out what works for you, you will develop a formula for success and fulfillment that is uniquely your own. Do not waste your time trying to pursue other people’s goals and dreams. Take the advice that is relevant to your life and goals, and ignore the rest. 2. Become a Generalized Specialist  If you want to be a successful entrepreneur  (or successful in any area of life) then you must commit yourself to becoming a generalized specialist. This means that while you should only strive for mastery in a small handful of skills, you should seek to be competent in a wide variety of disciplines. Think of your life like mixed martial arts. You can pick one discipline to master like Brazilian Ju Jitsu, Muay Thai, or Boxing. But you should be competent in all of the disciplines because you are only as strong as your weakest link. Success as an entrepreneur requires competence in sales, marketing, leadership, communication, accounting, time management, and technology among many others. And while you don’t have to master every area, you must have a strong grasp and understanding of the nuances behind each one. 3. Focus On Your Life Not Other People’s Lives  The greatest trap that high achievers fall into is the trap of comparison. Once you make your first $100,000, you begin comparing yourself to people making $1,000,000. Once you make your first $1,000,000, then you begin comparing yourself to people making $10,000,000 and so on and so forth. But when you compare yourself to others, you denigrate your own success and sabotage your potential. There will always be someone who is doing better than you. Someone who is richer, someone who is smarter, someone who is more athletic. It doesn’t matter how great you become, there will always be someone who is better than you at something.  That’s just how the world works. And if you fall prey to the comparison trap, you will never attain fulfillment, you will never be happy, and you will never enjoy your life because you will constantly be comparing yourself to people who are on a different path. So focus on your life. Focus on success as you define it. Don’t worry about other people’s achievements. Focus on doing your own thing, and the rest will fall into place. 4. Get Crystal Clear Clarity on Your Goals The first step to achieving success, whatever that means for you, is gaining crystal clear clarity on exactly what you want, when you want it, and why you want it.    You can achieve anything that you set your mind to, but you must first know exactly what it is that you want to achieve. And when I say “Get clarity” I mean clarity.  Saying that you want to be rich isn’t clarity. Setting the goal of starting an online marketing firm that generates $84,000 a month in net profit while you only work 45 hours a week… That’s clarity. So take some time and get crystal clear on what you want in all areas of your life. What does your ideal day look like? Who do you spend your time with? How much time do you devote to work? What is your health like? Really sit down and ask yourself what you truly want out of life. Then once you know what you want, figure out why you want it. There’s an old saying in the personal growth community that says, “With a strong enough why, you can figure out any how.” And no statement could be more true. When you know what you want and you have a powerful list of reasons why you want it, you will figure out a way to make it happen. 5. Understand that Success is More than Money  It seems like we live in a society that values one thing and one thing only… The almighty dollar. And don’t get me wrong, money is important. It gives you freedom, options, and the ability to live a lifestyle that will help you feel fulfilled and on fire. But it is not the end all be all of life. Money is just a small part of the puzzle. If you want to live a life of true joy and fulfillment, then you must take a holistic approach to success. Jaret recommends that everyone focus on 8 pillars of life and success. Mission: Why you are doing what you are doing Abundance: Your finances and long term wealth Family: Your relationships with the most important people in your life Foundation: Your mental and physical well being Control: The amount of freedom that you have to do the things you want to do Connection: Your relationship with whatever higher power you believe in (even if it’s just mother nature or your connection to society) Wisdom: Your skill sets and ability to learn new things Legacy: How you want to be remembered and the impact that you want to leave behind When you consciously develop each of these 8 pillars, you will begin to find yourself feeling on fire and on purpose. But if even one pillar is crumbling, the other 7 will begin to slowly deteriorate in tandem. So take stock of where you are today and where you want to be. Then start taking the action necessary to develop your life into a living breathing masterpiece of true success.