The Spiritual Journey of Entrepreneurship with Dan Kariv

Knowledge For Men - A podcast by Andrew Ferebee


Dan Kariv is the CEO of multiple companies including Amped Ventures and Math4Sale, Inc. – a startup that is currently generating 7-figures in revenue. His life journey has been fueled by a passion to uncover and distill the spiritual truths of reality and exploring them along the journey of entrepreneurship and the pursuit of freedom so that he can better serve the world. Favorite Success Quote “True freedom is the ability to choose how you spend each day.” Key Points 1. Are You Being the Best Version of Yourself? Every second of your life, you have a choice. You can either choose to show up as the best, most powerful, most grounded version of yourself, or you can choose to allow fear and external pressures suppress your strength and live a life below your potential. In every challenging situation, whether it is a meeting at work, an argument with your wife, or some other battle that you face, ask yourself “Am I being the best version of myself right now?” Are you showing up and leaving everything on the table, are you attacking life with a vigor and energy that makes others stand in awe, or are you playing it safe? Keep this question in the forefront of your mind each day and you will be amazed at the paradigm shifts you will experience. 2. Freedom Comes with a Price Freedom of any kind, whether it is freedom of location, financial freedom, physical freedom, or social freedom (e.g. freedom from approach anxiety), comes with with a price tag. Freedom is not free. It is earned. It is taken. It is wrestled from the jaws of fear and uncertainty and doubt. If you want a life of your own design, a life of true power where you can be who you want and live life on your terms, then you are going to have to pay for it. Achieving freedom requires discipline and sacrifice. It requires years, sometimes decades of giving up what you want now for a future of unlimited potential. As the old saying goes, “Live like no one else will today so that you can live like no one else can tomorrow.” 3. Fear is the Pathway to Power One of the quickest ways to achieve success is to see your fears as the pathway to power. See fear as the guiding force in your life that tells you where you should be going and what you should be doing. The more fear you feel, the more you will know you are on the right track. Do not let fear paralyze you. Realize that on the other side of every fear is a stronger, more powerful, and more grounded man. Overcoming your fear to start your business or talk to that girl or get off the couch and go to the gym will lead to personal growth and success that you could never have imagined. Embrace the fear and achieve your dream life. 4. What Do You Want to be Remembered For? It is easy to live our lives without ever truly considering our legacies. But the simple fact is, all of us are going to die. We are all headed towards the same fate. And 100 years from now, the only thing that will differentiate your life from everyone else’s is the impact that you had and the difference that you made. Devote time each day to thinking about the person that you want to become. Think about how you want to be remembered. Do you want to be remembered as the grinder? The philanthropist? The family man? No matter what you want your legacy to be, make the definite decision to take the necessary actions to leave behind a life that will be remembered how you want to be remembered. 5. Success Requires You to Hone Your Capacity If you want to succeed at any endeavor in life, you must first hone your capacity. You must become a student to your craft and be willing to put your nose to the grindstone, working and learning, all the while approaching your craft with a deep humility. The more and more capable you become at any skill, the more you will find your ego and insecurities melting away. You will no longer feel the need to prove yourself to the world because you already have a deep inner confidence in yourself and your capacity for success.