The Fabric of the Cosmos: Space, Time, and the Texture of Reality

Knowledge = Power - A podcast by Rita


From Brian Greene, one of the world’s leading physicists and author of the Pulitzer Prize finalist The Elegant Universe, comes a grand tour of the universe that makes us look at reality in a completely different way. Space  and time form the very fabric of the cosmos. Yet they remain among the  most mysterious of concepts. Is space an entity? Why does time have a  direction? Could the universe exist without space and time? Can we  travel to the past? Greene has set himself a daunting task: to explain  non-intuitive, mathematical concepts like String Theory, the Heisenberg  Uncertainty Principle, and Inflationary Cosmology with analogies drawn  from common experience. From Newton’s unchanging realm in which space  and time are absolute, to Einstein’s fluid conception of spacetime, to  quantum mechanics’ entangled arena where vastly distant objects can  instantaneously coordinate their behavior, Greene takes us all,  regardless of our scientific backgrounds, on an irresistible and  revelatory journey to the new layers of reality that modern physics has  discovered lying just beneath the surface of our everyday world.