KSCGSF Classic: Aquaman 5 Star Special Rob Kelly Conway Crossover

KSCGSF podcast - A podcast by Kyle Benning


Jump in your time machine and head-back to some of the earliest days of the King-Size Comic Giant-Size Fun Podcast from back in 2015 and listen to the 2nd of 3 Team-Up Episodes I recorded with a guest. This time out, I'm joined by guest host Rob Kelly of the Fire & Water Podcast Network to discuss the Gerry Conway penned Aquaman story from DC's 5 Star Spectacular giant, as part of 2015's Conway Crossover Event. 

Thank you very much for listening. Feedback for the podcast can be left at the blog kingsizecomicsgiantsizefun.blogspot.com, by tweeting me @KyleBenning_Art, by leaving an iTunes review, or by visiting the King-Size Comics Giant-Size Fun Facebook Page

This podcast is made for entertainment purposes only. All songs, sound clips, and characters discussed are copyright of their respective copyright holders, and no infringement is intended, so please don’t sue me.