Imperfect Paradise: Too young to vote, but not to care: 3 high schoolers watch the election
LA Made: The Other Moonshot - A podcast by LAist Studios - Wednesdays

In what is one of the most consequential elections in modern US history, many high schoolers had to leave it to other adults to choose the next President, Donald Trump, which will directly impact their futures. Imperfect Paradise host Antonia, LAist K-12 Senior Reporter Mariana Dale, and LAist Studios producer Monica Bushman follow three Los Angeles high school students – progressive Lucia, moderate Joseph, conservative Alexander, who are closely monitoring the elections and have clear political views. Antonia, Mariana, and Monica explore how the high schoolers think about civic duty and their role during an election when they’re old enough to understand what’s at stake, but too young to vote. Grow your business–no matter what stage you’re in. Sign up for a one-dollar-per-month trial period at SHOPIFY.COM/paradiseLearn more about the rich traditions and vibrant voices of Native California at https://NewsFromNativeCalifornia.comSupport for this podcast is made possible by Gordon and Dona Crawford, who believe that quality journalism makes Los Angeles a better place to live.