Diving Deep on Databases

Ladybug Podcast - A podcast by Emma Bostian, Sidney Buckner, Kelly Vaughn, and Ali Spittel


If you have data for your application, you’ve probably used a database to store it. There are so many types of databases, NoSQL, SQL, graph, etc. Let's learn about their benefits and how to use them! Shownotes [02:08] What types of databases have we used? [03:43] SQL vs. NoSQL [15:52] How to model data [19:20] ORM, SDK, Queries [24:02] Horizontal vs. Vertical Scaling [27:21] How to choose [30:22] indexes [37:16] Sharding [46:44] Shoutouts Resources The DynamoDB Book Little Bobby Tables Ladybug Algorithms episode Ladybug System Design episode Hidden Valley Road Peloton app Your friend’s guide to entrepreneurship Transcript Here is this week's transcript