ISA Briefing: Key economic questions for China and Japan

LaSalle Investment Management - A podcast by LaSalle Investment Management


We have been fielding questions on two big macroeconomic topics impacting the Asia-Pacific region: (1) the outlook for China’s economic recovery and (2) the path of the Bank of Japan’s monetary policy. These involve legitimate worries about China’s growth engine and the risk of interest rate hikes in Japan. Nonetheless, we find that media coverage of these topics can sometimes sensationalize their implications without going below the surface.

In this ISA Briefing, and the accompanying LaSalle Macro Quarterly (LMQ), we dissect these concerns and share our views on several frequently asked questions. Our analysis points to a nuanced picture that is more supportive of investments in these two countries than the media coverage might suggest.


Brian Klinksiek

Global Head of Research and Strategy

Elysia Tse

Asia Pacific Head of Research and Strategy

Fred Tang, PhD

China Head of Research and Strategy

Wayne Qin

Vice President and Strategist, Asia Pacific Research and Strategy