Peppa Pig 🐷 - ReadAlong - New Glasses - Funny Peppa compilation. Comment👇
Latest Peppa pig Stories - A podcast by Rimpi Garg

#glasses #newglasses #sunglasses #readalong #readaloud #peppapig #george #daddypig #mummypig #muddypuddles #pedro #pony Transcript: Narrator: Peppa and George are playing with Pedro Pony. They are going to jump in muddy puddles. Pedro: Oh! Narrator: Pedro has slipped and lost his glasses. Pedro: Where are my glasses? Narrator: Without glasses, Pedro cannot see very well. George has found Pedro's Glasses. George: Ooh! (giggles) Peppa: Silly George. Here they are. Pedro: Thank you. Peppa: Pedro, why do you wear glasses? Pedro: I need to. The optician say so. Peppa: What's an optician? Pedro: My daddy is an optician. He checks that you can see clearly. Peppa: How? Does he look inside your head? Pedro: He does an eye test. Shall give YOU an eye test? Peppa: Yes! Give me an eye test. Pedro: Ok. Hmmm, interesting. Close one eye and say what you see. Peppa: I can see.... George. Pedro: Now close both eyes. Peppa: Now I can't see anything. Pedro: Hmm! Can't see anything. Very, very interesting. I think you need glsses. Peppa: Oh, do I? Pedro: Yes. Mummy Pony: Pedro? Home time! Peppa: Bye - bye, Pedro. Pedro: Bye - bye. Peppa: Mummy, I need glasses. Mummy Pig: What? Peppa: Pedro gave me an eye test and I need glasses. Mummy Pig: I'm sure your eyes are fine. Peppa: No, Mummy, when i closed my eyes, i couldn't see anything. Mummy Pig: But no-one can see anything with their eye closed. Peppa: Oh! Daddy Pig: What's this about needing glasses? Peppa: Pedro knows all about glasses. His daddy is an optician. His daddy is an optician. Daddy Pig: Alright, Peppa. Let's take you to the optician for a proper eye test. Peppa: Let's go now. Daddy Pig: George, would you like an eye test too? George: No! Narrator: Peppa is at the optician's. Mr Pony is the optician. Mr Pony: Hello, Peppa, please sit down. Now, what can i do for you? Peppa: I need an eye test, please. Mr Pony: Of course. Put these special glasses on and then look at the chart. Narrator: Mr Pony is going to test Peppa's eyes. Mr Pony: Can you read these letter for me? Peppa: Okay, erm.... A, B, C, D, E, F. Mr Pony: Good! Now these numbers please. Peppa: Erm.... 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. Mr Pony: Very Good. And now these colours please. Peppa: Red, Green, Orange, Blue, Yellow, Purple! Mr Pony: Excellent! While I check your results, would you like to choose some glasses? Peppa: Yes, please! Mummy Pig: How about these glasses, Peppa? Peppa: They're funny! Mummy Pig: I know, what about these ones? Peppa: They're too big. Mummy Pig: How about these? Peppa: Wow! I like these ones, Mummy. Mummy Pig: Yes, Peppa, you look fantastic! Peppa: I look fantastic! Mr Pony: Ahem! Good news! Peppa has perfect eyesight! Peppa: Oh! So I don't need glasses? Mr Pony: No. Peppa: But I really wanted glasses. Mr Pony: Oh. Hmm, I suppose you could have some sunglasses. Peppa: Yes! Sunglasses! Mr Pony: Here you are. Peppa: Fantastic! I hope it's sunny every day so I can always wear my sunglasses!