Whispers from the lost library book Chapter 8: Heidi Heckelbeck - Bippity! Boppity! Boodley - Bar
Latest Peppa pig Stories - A podcast by Rimpi Garg

We welcome you back to Chapter 8 - Bippity! Boppity! Boodley - Bar I love reading with Anayra, Do you like it? Let us know in the commnets. Magic Magic everywhere, Heidi has an amazing experience with her Aunt Trudy and now she is in an actual magical library. Do you want to know what is going to happen? I am super excited, Lets see how it goes. Watch along. Transcript: Hey, hey, hey, we are back.Sorry it took you so long.It took us so long.We had some issues, but we fixed it and now we are back.Yeah.So here we are recording our Haiti Heckelbeck Chapter 8.0:16It didn't record really well on the last time we recorded.Yeah, so we are doing it now.So Anara, what do you think this chapter is going to be about?Maybe, hey, I'm so excited because maybe, hey, you'll find her magical book at this time, Yeah.0:32I remember last time she was missing her magical book.Yeah.She looked everywhere.Where could it be?Maybe she's gonna chant something.Maybe a spell?That's that's a good point.Let's see Chapter 8 PPT Boopiti Boopiti Boopiti.0:49Katie ran to her room and pulled out her doodle notebook.She flipped through her doodles of magical creatures and found a picture she had drawn on a flying book.Underneath it she had written the name Book Eater.1:06Book Eater name.It Book eater ate the.Book.Let's see, The History of Magical Creatures had explained that book eaters were invisible creatures that loved stories and gobbled up books.1:23Oh yes, that's the flying book.Oh no, gassed heady.I thought gobbled up meant they read books.But what if book eaters actually eat books?I've got to stop this right away.1:41But how could she find a Book Eater?They are invisible, after all, unless they unless they choose to show themselves.If magic is the problem, Haiti thought, maybe magic is the answer too.1:57I'll grab my Oh.Suddenly she was stuck with a horrible thought.What if the Book Eater ate my book of spell?Haiti ran to her bed, pulled up the dust ruffle, and peered underneath her.Still.Her spell book was still there.2:15Thank God.She grabbed the book and hugged it like a long lost friend.Then she searched for a spell that would allow her to see the Book Eater come out.Come out wherever you are.Do you have a mouse in your house?2:32Or perhaps you have a chipmunk hiding behind your washing machine?Or could it be you have an invisible creature in your midst?If you need a critter to show its rascally little face, then this is the spell for you.2:53Ingredients 1 bottle of honey.Oh bear honey, just like the one that you eat in our waffle.One handful of rainbow sprinkles.I love rainbow.Sprinkles me too.One bath towel.Bath towel.3:09Maybe she wants to take a bath.I don't know.Maybe Buchita warns The bath.One object that creature desires the most.What does he desire the most?Books.OK, now they'll tell why they need the bath towel.Lay the bath towel on the floor.3:25Place the object on the towel.Yeah.Squeeze the circle of honey around the object.Scatter rainbow sprinkles on top, then hold your medallion in one hand and place your other hand on the top of the object.Chat the following spell.3:42Do you want to chant this spell with me?OK, Bibbidi.Bubbidi Bubbly bar Come out, come out wherever you are.Can you see someone?Oh, but we don't have the bar tower yet, and we don't have a medallion as well.4:00She does.V You want to try this?Let's try Beppity Bhupity Boodley Bar Come out, come out wherever you are.I.Can't see anything.Haiti collected all the ingredients and laid the towel on the floor.She placed her book of spells on the towel and squeezed a circle of honey around it. Please like and subscribe our channel. Also leave a comment for us to read. #ReadAlong#MagicalAdventure #Suspense #surprise #pigfamily #kidsbooks #lol #shorts #peppapig#george #readalong #kidsbook #mostfunny #lol #childrensbook #suspensebook@suspense #story #kidsstory #Bookreading #scholarist