25. Herbs and Yoni Steaming with Rebecca Tiger

Law of Positivism - A podcast by Shereen Öberg

This week’s inspirational and empowering guest is Rebecca Tiger, Priestess of Nature, holistic feministic herbarista and Vaginal Steam Facilitator. Through her own journey and healing path, she has great wisdom about herbs for ceremony and ritual as well as medicine. She facilitates women’s circles, group yoni steaming sessions and ceremonies. She also does individual consultations and healing, specialized to your body and needs. She creates her own personalized herbal blends as well as builds yoni steam chairs. In this episode we cover the following topics: Herbs for healing and ceremony Cycles of the Moon New Moon Ritual Yoni Steaming Herbs for PMS and regulating your cycles To get in touch with or read more about Rebecca, you can visit the links below: Website (Swedish): https://snippsauna.com/ Webshop: https://snippsauna.quickbutik.com/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/wildherbarista/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/snippsauna/ Visit Law of Positivism: Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/law_of_positivism/ Website: https://www.lawofpositivism.com/ Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lawofpositivism/