016 | Coordinating with Precision: How to Handle Complaints Like an Expert

Leadership Impact - A podcast by Kari Granger


Welcome to Leadership Impact, the podcast for modern executives who are reinventing leadership within their organizations. Hosted by executive leadership coach and CEO of The Granger Network, Kari Granger, and Sound Financial Group CEO, Paul Adams, this podcast aims to address the topics of performance and leadership through real life examples. This is Episode 3 of our four-part series on coordinating with precision.

In this episode, Kari and Paul provide best practices on how to navigate complaints within an organization. Paul provides an example of a frustrated executive who was expressing major complaints without providing solutions to those complaints. Kari believes that behind every complaint there is a fundamental care that needs to be addressed. Whenever a complaint arises, Kari looks in two areas: standard and care. She talks about the importance of having a shared standard for success and satisfaction. Finally, Kari and Paul highlight the value of questioning and collaborating to create solutions to complaints.

For full shownotes: https://grangernetwork.com/16