E74: 10 things to consider before completing the DMAIC Control Phase
Lean Six Sigma Bursts - A podcast by Brion Hurley
In this episode, I discuss the importance of the Control phase in a Six Sigma DMAIC Improvement project, including the key considerations to make before closing out your improvement activity. Create a system and/or process to monitor the results Update any documentation of the processes and procedures Update any training of the processes Create a response or mitigation plan in case there is a drop in performance Add any visual controls or job aids that can be posted in the work area Review incentives to encourage new improvements to be used or followed Identify contact names and resources if employee has questions about the new improvements Schedule process audits or reviews for the next 30, 60 and 90 days Ensure improvements have been labeled, have a clear storage space, and have someone assigned to reorder them or perform maintenance on them (if applicable)? Ensure clear ownership of the improvements have taken place by the process owners Links What is DMAIC? Need help in your organization? Let's talk! Schedule a free support call Podcast Sponsor: Creative Safety Supply is a great resource for free guides, infographics, and continuous improvement tools. I recommend starting with their 5S guide. It includes breakdowns of the five pillars, ways to begin implementing 5S, and even organization tips and color charts. From red tags to floor marking; it’s all there. Download it for free at creativesafetysupply.com/5S BIZ-PI.com LeanSixSigmaDefinition.com Have a question? Submit a voice message at Podcasters.Spotify.com