Recap from Ace to Five of Wands in Tarot
Learn and Memorize Tarot Cards - A podcast by Quicklearn Quests

Welcome to the Memorizing Tarot Cards audio podcast, your three-minute lessons to learning and memorizing each card using symbolism. In today's special recap episode, I wanted to stop and take a moment to focus on the first half of the journey for the suit of wands, from the ace to the five.Why an audio course=================The purpose of this audio podcast is to help reinforce key messages by audio, while you clean, exercise, mow your lawn, or drive great distances. There is no charge for this content, and it is intended to provide short, snappy microlearning to help beginners keep practicing and reinforcing the learning. The best way to learn Tarot cards, is to keep practicing working with the cards.Rider Waite Tarot Card Deck=======================I learned how to read cards on the Rider Waite Tarot Deck and the instructor I had said its easiest to have everyone on the same deck when explaining the symbolism. With time, I was able to transfer that knowledge to other decks. If you are a beginner at learning Taro, below are some links to the Rider Waite Tarot Deck to follow along if you need a set of cards. I earn a small referral commission from these links from Amazon.Rider Waite Tarot Deck - USA Link: Waite Tarot Deck - Canada Link: Waite Tarot Deck - UK Link: Waite Tarot Deck - Australia link: Carrie and @QuickLearnQuests ===============================I have been reading Tarot cards for 30 years for fun. I took a two and a half day course, and I was so excited to be able to take the mystery out of getting readings done for myself, and to be able to do them myself. We also have social media channels, TikTok, Instagram, Facebook, YouTube and all major podcast distributors such as Spotify, Apple, Audible and many others under the handle @quickLearnQuests. I am focusing mostly on my podcasts and YouTube at the moment, but I will expand into more social media more consistently when I find my feet.Here is my YouTube Channel video for interpreting cards in Three Card Spreads: Here is the transcript:Welcome to the Memorizing Tarot Cards podcast, your three-minute lessons to learning and memorizing each card using symbolism. In today's special recap episode, I wanted to stop and take a moment to focus on the first half of the journey for the suit of wands, from the ace to the five. This will help create the story of the journey itself, since we have focused on each individual card so far. Let's reflect on a quick recap of the lessons learned and prepare for the road ahead. On the journey, maybe the querent is starting a business or deciding to go back to school. Maybe they are inspired by their favorite music artists and now want to learn to sing or play the guitar. This bold action can be towards anything that lights a fire in their belly that they are motivated to pursue. We began the journey with the ace of wands. Wands are things we are passionate about, not a path of logic, but one of excitement that is fiery and alive within us. The ace is the first step. An idea, a new start. It represents the moment a decision is made to pursue something, and the fire and excitement are building. They say to themselves, "That's it. I'm doing it." Next step is the two of wands, where we are making our plans. We...